• Meubelfabriek Theuns
  • Meubelfabriek Theuns
  • Meubelfabriek Theuns

Meubelfabriek Theuns

Meubelfabriek Theuns was looking for a warm but sleek look for their company.


That’s why they’ve opted for the Ceilux Clip In 45° white metal ceiling system which safeguarded the serenity of the company.


In the hallways, Meubelfabriek Theuns combined the Ceilux Clip In 45° with downlights that provide a warm light and represent the cosiness of the company.

By aligning the Downlights on a straight line in the middle, a modern clean lined interior was created.

In the offices, the client opted for a more playful look by combining the Ceilux Clip-In 45° white with the Ceilux SDT-line.

The Perfo Rd above the working surfaces ensures excellent acoustics.


A sleek design as well as a cosy and playful interior can be combined with the Ceilux metal ceiling systems and the wide range of Ceilux lighting fixtures.


